Friday, July 17, 2009

Shivering Stork Sighted!

Who's the birdbrain that can't tell a stork from a flamingo? Even on a dark, dreary, rainy night any novice birder can pick out my pink plumage against a backdrop of petunias! OK, I don't know flowers either! Back to basics, which are 1) It's Dark! 2) It's Cold! 3) I'm Wet! 4) I'm Lonely! 5) I'm Hungry! and 6) You Can Help!!! See for ways you can stop the suffering now!
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  1. Noooooooooo....we can't let our animals be left out hungry in the cold with NO SHELTER!! Monroe County sure has some nice and commendable business people who felt it in their hearts to help out. Who else is ready to "shower the pets you love with love,show them the way that you feel" (revised James Taylor!) I am looking forward to see where they show up next.....

  2. Mag is that a wienerdog wearing shades? Way cool!

  3. Oh yeah....wienerdog sunbathing...don't yours?
