Of all the dangerous stunts Dr Clair has thus performed to raise AWSOM awareness, including but not limited to his recent Flamingo Flyby skydive, his motorcycle crash in Wyoming and yes, he even ate tacos at Jack-In-The-Box restaurants out West; by far the most dangerous stunt to date has to be pulling off the Las Vegas Freeway mid-day to get this picture!!!! Dr Clair and his flamingo companion Toto skipped most of Sin City's temptations to stay on schedule(not really), but driving on the freeway they saw overhead signs for FLAMINGO ROAD and screeched to a halt for this very dangerous photo-op! Many of you have commented at the dangers of Dr Clair shooting video while driving his motorcycle, yet won't recognize the danger inherent in trusting other drivers not to run Dr Clair, Toto and the Gold Wing over while rushing to the casino to play Keno or craps! Our fearless adventurers quickly got the "film in the can" as they say and were off for less dangerous stunts such as driving over London Bridge in Lake Havasu City, Arizona! Stay tuned for "The Further Mis-Adventures of Dr Clair and Toto" as they head for Mexico!

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