Dr Clair and Toto will sadly be departing Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico tomorrow morning bright and early! They've been the pampered guests of the Talamantes Family and will be sad to be headed back north so soon. Astride the Gold Wing are Maru, Jose and Kenia with Toto. Their own minature schnauzer was too short for the photo opportunity. Dr Clair loves this photo because he's had a chance to get reacquainted with Jose after a 32 year interruption in their own friendship. Jose was a 15 year old Rotary Foreign Exchange student that stayed with the Thompson Family for 3 months in 1976 and attended Jersey Shore Senior High. Jose "found" his good friend Clair on FaceBook only 3 months ago and was pleasantly surprised when Dr Clair and Toto showed up in his hometown with a set of directions that claimed Sonora was the 49th state for this AWSOM Flamingo 49 States in However Many Days It Takes Ride! The motorcycle accident in Wyoming lent new perspective to this trip and our adventurers have decided to slow the pace and smell the coffee, so to speak. Also the 48 state thing sounded kind of awkward when we all know there are 50 states so our travellers are adding the states of Sonora and appropriately Chihuahua(!) to make it 50 States and those of you who are hung up on technicalities may want to just stop following this blog then! What Dr Clair really likes about this photo is the show of support AWSOM enjoys in Mexico! Check out the AWSOM hat on Jose and the Liz-Tech Flamingo pin of Kenia's sleeve! Jose gives a Thumbs-Up BY COINCIDENCE ? A Dr Clair Trademark if ever there is one, check the photo gallery for proof!

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