When travelling, we occassionally come across the truly unexpected jewel that you'll always remember and treasure. Dr Clair picked up a brochure at his motel for The Peregrine Fund and their World Center for Birds of Prey in Boise,Idaho. Since not too far off his route, he stopped by for a quick visit and was absolutely delighted at such a fantastic find! Dr Clair wound up spending an entire afternoon learning about the center and their efforts at captive breeding and falconry! Though seemingly in the middle of nowhere, the facility is obviously very well funded as evidenced by their property and buildings. Specifically not a raptor rehabilitator, the center is very active in captive breeding programs for the endangered California Condor and other birds of prey. Dr Clair enjoyed their separate building devoted entirely to the history and sport of falconry through the ages. As a wrap-up to the afternoon, there was a session of freeflighting some of the birds including gyrfalcon, previously endangered peregrine falcon and the ubiquitous little falcon, the American kestrel. Dr Clair will never forget having a peregrine falcon swooping low overhead, barely an arms length away, and knowing that part of the success for their population resurgence is due to The Peregrine Fund. Above all, Dr Clair recognizes that this gorgeous, well funded center and well trained staff were started one day with just an idea and a grass roots movement of dedicated people committed to seeing their efforts succeed and literally "Take-Off!" One can't help but recognize the parallels to our own organization,AWSOM, and the endless possibilities that can result with peristence, dedication and funding. We need to keep our sights and goals set high in order to succeed!

This sounds totally cool, how fortunate you were to be close to such a place!