Picture of the Gold-Wing taken moments ago before I had a chance to cover it for the night! This cold front came in quickly and stopped me short of my 500mile day by about 50 miles or so! I really don't mind riding in the cold so much as I don't like the new dimension snow and ice on the roads add, if you catch my drift, pun intended. Don't really catch that much television but becoming a fast fan of The Weather Channel or TWC. Just spoke with Tom and Connie who are visiting San Francisco with friends and it is a balmy 70 degrees there and the Navy Blue Angels are due to put on an airshow over AND UNDER the Golden Gate Bridge! Glad Tommy has one of my camcorders with him. Getting caught up with editting Picasa Web Albums with the extra time. Got a donation from a family today at a diner in Summit, North Dakota and they were telling me about a homeless(?) dog they'd seen on I-29 near Fargo earlier in the day, trying to get across a bridge! Never good to see a loose dog on a high speed roadway, the 2 just don't mix! I'm talking to everyone along the way but people are hesitant to just give money or a check to a big guy on a motorcycle dressed in black, even with all the pink flamingos! We're definitely raising awareness though!

Clair, if anyone can raise awareness it is you!